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7 Ways to Increase Traffic to Your Career Site

Posted On Saturday, November 16, 2019

Author: David Armitage (Technical Director)

We all want to increase traffic to our site, and there a number of ways to ensure that it happens! Here are seven effective ways to bring more people to your career site.

1. Put out new and relevant content

Creating new content that is relevant to your brand will bring more traffic to your site. The more you publish new content, the more likely you are to come up in searches related to your brand. Publishing photos and videos is another way to keep content interesting. Creating content that speaks to current trends will also keep your site relevant and drive more people to it.

2. Promote your site offline

Don’t forget to focus on promoting your site offline. You can easily promote your site at events like job fairs and conferences, as well. Have marketing materials on hand and make them visually appealing with large photos and not much text. Intrigue interested applicants by giving them a bit of information, but not too much, so that they want to visit your site. Make the information for your site readily available on all marketing materials. As you speak to potential job candidates at these events, continually reference your career site, letting them know that the full details can be found online--and again, be sure to always provide them with easy, convenient access to the site’s link, such as listing the URL or including a QR code.

3. Keep your marketing materials up to date

Sometimes it’s can be easy to let our marketing materials fall to the wayside. We often let brochures and business cards carry outdated information because we fail to prioritise the printing of new and updated materials. But this is detrimental to your business! Be sure that your career site’s URL is listed on all of your materials. Additionally, all social media tags and contact information on flyers, pamphlets and business cards should be current and up to date, ensuring that people will be able to find you once they come looking for you!

4. Use social media to your advantage

Social media is a great tool for reaching a wide audience. Share all new job opportunities and postings on your social media channels. This will bring your site more visibility and will lead people directly to your site. In addition, people who would normally never have a reason to visit your site may see a posting that is a great fit for a friend or acquaintance and share it directly with those individuals. The more times your post is shared on social media, the more the algorithm will work in your favour to ensure that it reaches more and more people.

5. Include a link to your site in every job posting

Job seekers will most likely want to research a company before submitting an application to work there. Make this easy for them! Be sure to include a link to your site in every job description and job posting, including all third-party platforms like Idealist or Indeed.

6. Link back to your own content on your own site

Find opportunities to link back to posts and resources on your own site. If you publish a blog post or article, every time you mention a resource or idea that you have previously published about, link back to that page. This way, you are constantly leading people to explore new parts of your site, increasing the likelihood that they will come across content that can be shared with others.

7. Sharing your content should be quick and easy

Always include social media sharing icons on your articles, blog posts, and job postings. This way people can easily share your content directly to other platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.


Author: David Armitage (Technical Director)

10 Years+ experience building software, job boards, and websites for the recruitment industry.

Please feel free to contact me for a free consultation, a technical review of your website, or information regarding the services we offer.

You can reach me at or find me on LinkedIn.