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The New Jobs Feature from Google

Posted On Friday, August 16, 2019

Author: David Armitage (Technical Director)

Google search is arguably the most popular on the planet. With today’s job seekers needing more insight on open positions geared to their needs, Google launched a feature that can direct them to postings based upon description, travel distance, necessary skills, and other pertinent information, streamlining the tedious process of searching for a suitable and viable opportunity.

While this is not a new concept, it’s the first time that anyone has incorporated the job search in such a way that it is set to become nearly a one-stop shopping mode of job seeking. Similar to the most popular job search site,, Google takes things a step further by also offering to direct the search to careers that may be considered new prospects. When companies are changing rapidly and industries such as manufacturing and interior design, for example, are using automated or web-based tools and less manpower, job seekers benefit by being encouraged to look into positions (which may require retraining and education) but will be good transition alternatives for the future. Assessing skills that may be enhanced for possible contingencies is one way that Google is changing the game.

Getting Down to Business

As Google searches go, this one has the ability to match keywords and phrases, candidate profiles and up-to-date specifications for employers on backlinks connected to many job boards, placing the top matches on mobile or desktop early in the search for the job seeker so that they are given the most pertinent information first. This in turn assists the recruiter on their end by narrowing the field to the most qualified candidates.

Addressing Candidate Concerns

Other features include filtering through information so that the search can also provide information on company culture, ratings and current employee experiences, as well as advice on how resumes and interviews can be improved. Among other issues, sometimes a potential candidate is lost due to lack of information informing the career seeker of what to expect after hiring. People working in recruitment and company owners need to be aware that it’s not just a grab and go process, but vital to a new employee’s longevity, thereby ensuring reputation, lowering of costs to rehire for the same position and attracting more candidates to fill jobs in their organisation by referral.

The Perfect Match

Currently, professionals searching on LinkedIn and Wayup, receive notifications by text or email when jobs become available and are based upon past searches and profile specifics. Google’s job search feature will be getting on board with this as well; the search giant is continuing to research and enhance more aspects of the job search equation every day.

For the time being, the proven ability of Google to reach more users stands to reason that more people will turn to Google job searches to simplify and accelerate their job search. Google opens up wider possibilities helping recruiters to reach better qualified candidates and the job seeker to have a more pleasant and less stressful experience.

Google job search is improving the capability of job seekers to be better informed and more successful in their career aspirations. Recruiter know-how, SEO, information gathering and filtering, added features and the needs of the prospective employee are now available in Google job search to take job seeking and recruiting to the next level.


Author: David Armitage (Technical Director)

10 Years+ experience building software, job boards, and websites for the recruitment industry.

Please feel free to contact me for a free consultation, a technical review of your website, or information regarding the services we offer.

You can reach me at or find me on LinkedIn.