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Your Career Site is Live, Now What?

Posted On Friday, August 2, 2019

Author: David Armitage (Technical Director)

Developing a world-class career site takes time and a significant amount of effort. Companies want to ensure a return on their investment by keeping their recruitment website relevant, engaging, and searchable.

Here are a few things you’ll want to do now that your career sites is live:

Keep Your Content Current

Outdated copy is one sure way to lose visitors and, as a direct effect, ratings. Google analytics monitors the traffic on your site. Keep job seekers actively engaged by posting new job opportunities, information about company activities and events, adding new posts to your blog and adding videos and photos to your site to keep potential candidates coming back.

Market Your Site

There’s an old adage, “build it, and they will come!” That does not apply to your career site! It’s not enough to have a website -- you have to create reasons for potential candidates to visit. Marketing is essential. Build campaigns around interesting topics such as a cause your company supports. For example, if you support the Special Olympics, build a campaign around that and market it on all of your social media channels. Not only will you increase your company’s visibility and strengthen your brand, but you are sure to gain interest from potential job seekers who support your cause because they may like the idea of working for a company that is active in the community.

Get Found

With today’s job seeker doing most of their job searches via mobile devices, you want to be sure to have a mobile-friendly site. Search engine optimisation (SEO) is critical to ensure that your career site receives the visibility it needs to gain traffic to your website. Take the time to identify keywords, using key phrases, page titles, meta descriptions and backlinks to get your career site more visibility.

Focus key phrases on your job titles, industry and location, interspersing them throughout your titles and main body text. Meta descriptions are what users see when your results appear on Google. Be sure that these are being displayed correctly for each page and this will help increase your search conversion rate.

Meet the Needs of Your Audience

Once on your career site, job seekers have certain expectations—exceed them! At the very least, meet the needs of your target audience. It’s not enough to just have current job postings available. Job seekers today are looking for insight into the company culture, work environment, and details of the job to determine fit. Consider posting stories about the department that the open vacancy is recruiting for: highlight an activity, event, or employee success story. Make navigating the career site easy, seamless, and intuitive. Too many clicks to find information will cause potential candidates to leave your site. Anticipate your audience’s needs: make it easy to apply, save, and return to your career site to complete the application process.

Doing these simple things once your career site has gone live will ensure a solid return on your investment. The key is to put your target audience’s needs first. Next, make sure your site offers valuable information that will keep job seekers coming back for more. And then finally, make sure that your site shows up at the top of job seekers’ searches with the appropriate keywords, phrases, and meta tags.


Author: David Armitage (Technical Director)

10 Years+ experience building software, job boards, and websites for the recruitment industry.

Please feel free to contact me for a free consultation, a technical review of your website, or information regarding the services we offer.

You can reach me at or find me on LinkedIn.